The Cute Client Gallery.


Spaniel with auburn, blonde, and white fur is on a walk and looking up at the camera with a grin.



Husky/shepherd mix is on a walk, looking up at the camera.



A cute boxer pup named Shiloh looks up at the camera, waiting to go for her walk.



Adorable little chihuahua/dachshund mix named Morty looks up at the camera from a pink couch.



Black and grey collie mix looks up at the camera. She has ice-blue eyes.



Black and white cat named Yuki sits in the foreground and an all-black cat named Nori lies in the background, both looking at the camera.

Yuki (front) & Nori (back)




Black and white dog, Harper, looks up at her German Shepherd mix friend, Rimbey, who smiles at the camera.

Harper (& her main squeeze, Rimbey)


Little Smoky, a mixed breed dog who looks a like a collie, sits in the front seat of a car and looks out the window. She is on her way to visit her friend and play in the yard with him.
Little Smoky, a mixed breed rescue dog, smiles at the camera with her blue toy in front of her.

Little Smoky



Two tabby cats names Mulder and Scully cuddle together on top of a blanket.

Mulder & Scully




A doodle, Frankie, looks up at the camera, looking very happy. She is at the dog park having a wonderful time. There is snow on the ground, but she is unbothered by the cold.



Woman holds a lop-eared bunny, looking at the camera and smiling. The bunny is named Bunbuns.

Bunbuns (& me)